Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

Regular English : Explanation Text about "Obesity"

Halo, akhirnya aku kembali lagi dengan tugas baru aku di semester baru juga! Ini tugas pertama aku di kelas 12 lo, hehe. Tugas ini tugas mata pelajaran bahasa inggris, intinya disuruh membuat explanation text dengan tema bebas. Ini sebenernya tugas kelompok ya, jadi tidak sepenuhnya teks ini aku yang buat sendiri tapi juga collab dengan temanku!hehe

Oke, hope it helpful ya~



Obesity is a condition when there are too many fats in our body causing our weight exceeds the ideal weight. Obesity can be measured by dividing person’s weight by the square of the individual’s height. When the result is in the range of 25-30 kg/m2 then it’s defined as overweight. Before 2014, the number of people who are obese is three times lower than the number after 2014 which is more than 640 million who are considered obese. Do you know how dangerous obesity is?
Generally, Obesity is caused by overeating and less moving. Consuming massive amount of fat and sugars without burning equal amounts of calories through physical activities may bring harmful impacts on human's body. Those remaining energies which are not used for exercising will be stored inside our body and eventually transformed into fat. A condition when too much fats are kept inside the body is called obesity. This condition is even worse when people have unbalanced diets. For example, it is very common nowadays to find people who are too busy with their jobs until there is no enough time left for eating proper meals and exercising. Those kinds of individuals tend to consume poor diets such as fast foods or instant which may increase the risk of being obese.
Besides people's diets and lack of physical activities, obesity is also caused by emotions. If people are in bad mood due to several reasons, they will tend to eat more to make them feel better. It is believed that snacking have the ability to console problems temporarily, especially desserts. Most desserts contain excessive amounts of sugar which if not balanced with the right portion of exercise, will cause obesity. In addition, carbohydrates which come from sugary foods are the most harmful and have the highest risk of diabetes type 2. 
Obesity can cause some issues both physically and mentally. The chances of people who are overweight getting some serious health problems such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure are higher than those who aren't. Having an overly fat physical appearance isn't something that you'd brag about, most people, who suffer it, usually feel insecure about themselves. Another problem that may occur is bullying which may lead to the victim getting depressed to the point where he/she will go through severe anxiety. The feeling of insecurity and the harassment can make the person suffering it feels a deep mental scar that can lead to other issues or at worse cases suicide.
            There are number of ways to prevent obesity. Among others, we should have a habit of eating vegetables and fruits more. Next, we should exercise more either at the gym or at home even though it only takes short time, around 20 until 30 minutes. If we are stressed, we should not overeat because we can find another solution for our problem. Eating at night after 7 pm is not good for our body, so we should eat before 7 pm. We should consider our portion before we eat. We are also not supposed to eat junk food. Another solution to obesity is we can do meal prep for seven days. With meal prep, we will eat according to the planned portion.
            In conclusion, obesity is caused by several factors, such as overeating and having poor diet programs. It can lead to other physical and mental problems. Therefore, obesity should be avoided in order to have healthy and happy life. Although it is dangerous, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be prevented. There are some solutions to overcome this problem, such as having balanced diets, proper and regular physical activities and others. But we should avoid the use of chemical pills which can lead us to more serious program. The most important thing to overcome obesity is we should build a healthy and disciplined habits in our daily life.  

                                 Credits by. Feiamanda
