Hai hai guys! Finally setelah sekian lama, akhirnya baru bisa upload ini lagi. Jangan tanya kenapa:' selain tugas-tugas yang numpuk, laptopku baru aja diformat. Yes, ofcourse semua data-data dan tugas-tugas aku juga ilang semua hiks: Gatau kenapa, tiba-tiba aja error tanpa sempet mindahin data-datanya semua.
So, yha, now i just want to share my assignment here again and again. Hahah buat kenang-kenanganlah. Kan bisa juga ada waktu ga terduga, aku butuh tugas yang dulu aku pernah buat tapi sudah ke delete di laptop ini. At least, aku udah upload hehe. Yha, this is it my English Assignment about report text. Oya, bytheway ini sebenernya tugas kelompok sih, jadi setiap paragraf bakal aku kasih inisial buat temen-temenku yang udah kerja. And my initial is AA. enjoyy
Indonesia is a tropical country. It means, Indonesia has many tropical rain forests. Those forests are the habitat of many organisms. Orangutan is kind of primate that live in tropical rain forest. Orangutan is the endemic animal of Indonesia. There are two kinds of orangutan, which are Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus. Pongo abelii lives in Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus lives in Borneo. Both of them are endangered. (GE)
So, yha, now i just want to share my assignment here again and again. Hahah buat kenang-kenanganlah. Kan bisa juga ada waktu ga terduga, aku butuh tugas yang dulu aku pernah buat tapi sudah ke delete di laptop ini. At least, aku udah upload hehe. Yha, this is it my English Assignment about report text. Oya, bytheway ini sebenernya tugas kelompok sih, jadi setiap paragraf bakal aku kasih inisial buat temen-temenku yang udah kerja. And my initial is AA. enjoyy
Indonesia is a tropical country. It means, Indonesia has many tropical rain forests. Those forests are the habitat of many organisms. Orangutan is kind of primate that live in tropical rain forest. Orangutan is the endemic animal of Indonesia. There are two kinds of orangutan, which are Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus. Pongo abelii lives in Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus lives in Borneo. Both of them are endangered. (GE)
are characterized by rough, long, reddish-brown fur and they have a large head. Orangutans are about 1.25 – 1.5 m in length.
When orangutans do stand, their hands nearly touch the ground. Male orangutans are about 50 – 90 kg in weight, but
females are smaller, reaching about 30 – 50 kg. The
male has puffy cheeks and a hanging throat-pouch. This pouch contains air sacks
that help produce a groaning and bubbling call. (AN)
Orangutans are omnivore. But, orang’s digestive system is more similar to that of a carnivore than a herbivore. For this reason, much of what an orangutan eats is passed
as poop. To make up for its inefficient digestion, an orangutan needs to
consume a large amount of food - up to 12 kg of fruit, leaves, and bark each day - to get all its
nutrients. Fruit is the orangutans’ favorite food. But, they eat different parts of a plant depending on the time of
year. To obtain this much food, an orang must spend 6-8 hours a day
foraging and eating. (AA)
Orang-utan means 'person of the forest' in the Malay
language. They live in primary and secondary forests. Although they can occur
up to 1,500m above sea level, most are found in lowland areas and prefer forests
in river valleys or floodplains. Orang-utans travel by moving from one tree to
another, and usually avoid climbing down to the ground. But when they do, they
move on 'all fours', placing their clenched fists on the ground. Orang-utans
make a nest of vegetation to sleep in at night, and rest in smaller nets during
the day. Adults are generally solitary, although temporary aggregations are
occasionally formed. Males' large home ranges overlap with the ranges of
several adult females. Adult males are generally hostile to one another,
although they do not display territorially. (SM)
Nowadays,the population of Orang Utan
has been decreased. Orang utan became endangered animals which protected by the
goverment. The major cause of their extiction are deforestation, ilegal
hunting, and ilegal trade. Ilegal trade and ilegal hunting are related,because
the hunter killed the adults and and abducted the babies to be sold as
pets, beside that orangutans are hunted for the skull to be sold with high
price. Deforestation is a reduction of the forest in a big scale, it aims to
clear land for agriculture and settlement, but deforestation caused the loss of
Orang Utan habitats and threatened the survival of Orang utan. (GA)
Credits by. Feiamanda